We are independent consultants and represent only the interests of our clients.
We do not sell or represent any products or services or receive commissions from any source.
We support a constant exchange of information with our clients. We share what we have learned on other projects and constantly solicit the same from our subcontractors and suppliers.
We are geared toward closely held, middle-market companies and similarly sized organizations that require personal attention and support in their projects, from planning and bid process management to project management through system training for client employees.
You can be assured that your key project consultant will be there when you need them as a result of minimum turnover at the staff and management levels.
As an organization, we believe strongly in the training and development of our people. Management pushes themselves and the associates to continually improve professionally and as people every year.
Rose Consulting, Inc. is committed to our profession and to our communities. Members of our management team serve or have served as directors and committee members of such organizations as the Bloomsburg YMCA and Rotary and several Chamber of Commerce organizations.
We are a sponsor and contributor to numerous local events, as we believe in giving back to our community.
We do not sell or represent any products or services or receive commissions from any source.
We support a constant exchange of information with our clients. We share what we have learned on other projects and constantly solicit the same from our subcontractors and suppliers.
We are geared toward closely held, middle-market companies and similarly sized organizations that require personal attention and support in their projects, from planning and bid process management to project management through system training for client employees.
You can be assured that your key project consultant will be there when you need them as a result of minimum turnover at the staff and management levels.
As an organization, we believe strongly in the training and development of our people. Management pushes themselves and the associates to continually improve professionally and as people every year.
Rose Consulting, Inc. is committed to our profession and to our communities. Members of our management team serve or have served as directors and committee members of such organizations as the Bloomsburg YMCA and Rotary and several Chamber of Commerce organizations.
We are a sponsor and contributor to numerous local events, as we believe in giving back to our community.